Click here for the Middle School Band calendar.
Middle School Parents: Keep yourselves in the know! Make sure you register with Class Dojo. Your student will receive the invitation on their first day of school! |
The schedule for school year is being finalized, but here is a list of tentative and set dates. Performances listed are REQUIRED unless otherwise indicated.
Fruit Sale Fund Raiser: All 6-8 band students will participate in the annual band fund raiser. We sell fresh fruit and cheesecakes from Pee Jay's Fruit Company. The sale will begin in September and end in October. Orders will be delivered to the school the week before Thanksgiving break in November. STUDENTS WHO SOLD ITEMS MUST ARRANGE FOR PICK UP OF THEIR FRUIT WITH THEIR PARENTS! You cannot take fruit onto the school bus! Pep Band: The 7/8 Pep Band will perform the Star Spangled Banner and School Song at one football game ever fall. Additionally, the 8th graders will perform in the fall on 8th Grade Night at a high school football game with the high school band. Christmas Concert: The 5th through 8th grade bands will perform on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the OGMS gymnasium Honor Band: Students in the 7th and 8th grade who wish to audition for Honor Band may prepare with Mrs. Smith. Honor Band performs on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at the Wheeling Park High School auditorium. This is not required of all band students, only those who are elected to the honor band. Solo/Ensemble Festival: Open to any 7th or 8th band member. Festival is Saturday, February 1, 2025 at John Marshall HS. The makeup snow day is Saturday, February 8, 2025. This is not required of all band students, only those who choose to prepare for contest. WVMEA All State Conference: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Fernbaugh, and Ms. Zinn attend this conference the first weekend in March. Any student who auditioned and was named to the All-State bands and Children's Choir will also attend. Band Festival: The 7/8 Concert Band will compete at Band Festival during the school day at John Marshall HS. Festival is Tuesday, April 8, 2025. This is a REQUIRED STATE ASSESSMENT for 7th and 8th graders. Spring Concert: The 5th through 8th grade bands will perform on Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the OGMS gymnasium. The Jazz Band will also perform on these concerts. Additionally, the 8th graders will perform with the OGHS Concert Band during their final spring concert in May. Date TBA. This is a required performance for 8th graders. |